Library of the FNZRLG
The library of the Department of Early Modern History and Rhenish Regional History is the largest specialized library for Rhenania with about 100,000 titles. It primarily covers the fields of Rhenish regional history, linguistics and folklore.

Opening Hours during the lecture period
Monday - Thursday 9am - 7.30pm, Friday 9am - 4pm
Opening Hours during the lecture-free period
Monday - Thursday 9am - 6pm, Friday 9am - 1pm
Please note that short-notice changes may apply!
Closing times:
About 15 minutes before the official closing hour, staff will begin closing the building. The main door will be locked during this time. We ask guests to please vacate their work stations 15 minutes before the closing hour.
current journals
Our library

A core element of the library is the extensive collection of around 270 current periodicals. The majority of these are acquired through exchanging the Rheinische Vierteljahrsblätter (Rhenish Quarterly), the department's own scientific journal.
The geographical focus of the library is the area of the former Prussian Rhine Province. In addition, there are special sections for the BeNeLux region, Alsace, Lorraine and Northern France. More recently, a section on East German regional history has been added.

Students of the University of Bonn can borrow books (max. five volumes) over the weekend. Books can only be borrowed fridays from 9am to 1pm. To do so, please pick out the books on your own and then contact Ms. Trimborn (room 1.001).
A public copier (copy card required, nearest machine in the ULB) is located in the basement near the lockers. Books published before 1900 are not allowed to be copied.
The university's WiFi network is available throughout the building.

All recent additions to the library are on display in room 1.010. The display is continuously updated.

The library inventory can be searched via bonnus, the University of Bonn's search portal.
A publicly accessible library computer with access to all online research catalogs is also available in room 1.002. In all publicly accessible areas of the library the University's WiFi network is available.
Our collections
Our library holds unique collections that are available for research. These include our considerable assortment of rare books, the collection of old maps and the so-called 'Witch Cabinet', a collection of sources on the history of witchcraft by Carl Binz.
Terms of Use
- The use of the library is primarily open to all students of History, German Studies and Cultural Anthropology/Volkskunde. The use of the facilities by such users has priority over the use by third parties.
- The doors to the library rooms are to be kept open at all times.
- Only water may be taken into the library. All other food and beverages are prohibited.
- Backpacks/bags and jackets/coats are to be locked in the basement. There will be a bag check when leaving the library. Please have your open bags ready without special request.
- Like all institute libraries, this is a reference library. Borrowing books over the weekend is only permitted in justified exceptional cases and upon presentation of a valid student or government ID. Encyclopedias, handbooks, source collections and journals cannot be borrowed.
- Books must always be returned to their correct location. A placeholder must be placed in the event of prolonged loan or inclusion in a reference collection (staff only).
Questions? We will help you out!
Anna Trimborn
cert. Librarian
Deparment FNZRLG
Am Hofgarten 22
53113 Bonn
Jannis Karst B.A.
Student assistant