Early Modern History and Rhenish Regional History
Welcome at the Department for "Early modern History and Rhenish Regional History" (in short: FNZRLG). Our department is part of the Institute of History of the University of Bonn. Head of department is Professor Dr. Michael Rohrschneider. You find information on us here.

How to reach us...
Contact to our department
For questions about the library and its holdings, please contact Dipl.-Bibl. Anna Trimborn. All other enquiries about the department and its work to:
Mrs. Anja Haas M.A.
+49 228 73-7553
Abteilung Geschichte der Frühen Neuzeit und Rheinische Landesgeschichte
Am Hofgarten 22
53113 Bonn - Germany

Association for historical regional studies of the Rhineland
Traditionally commited to history - since 1925, the VgLR has been committed to regional history. It is closely associated with the department.

Centre for Historical Peace Studies
At the ZHF, scholars from the University of Bonn work on the pre-modern foundations of peace-making. The Acta Pacis Westphalicae (APW) are edited here.

Rheinische Vierteljahrsblätter
The RhVjbll are a central journal on the history, language and culture of the Rhineland. The issue is published annually and contains articles as well as numerous reviews.

FNZRLG's Digital Ressources
The internet is full of surprises... also with us! Discover the diverse digital ressources around our work. With our "Datendonner" you will quickly find the right sources for your next essay.