
 Dr. Ryan Kemp


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© Ryan Kemp


Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
Institut für Geschichtswissenschaft
Abt. für Geschichte der Frühen Neuzeit und Rheinische Landesgeschichte
Am Hofgarten 22, 53113 Bonn

Raum 2.013
Telefon / Phone: +49 228 73-1922
E-mail: ryankemp[at]


Dr Ryan Kemp studied at St Peter’s College, Oxford and Aberystwyth University, completing a PhD in Medieval History at the latter, supervised by Professor Björn Weiler (Aberystwyth) and Professor Sarah Hamilton (Exeter). He is currently supported by an Alexander von Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellowship, having recently completed a Leverhulme Study Abroad Studentship. His current project examines how critics of royal power were represented in high medieval Europe. His primary research interests lie in the political culture of the High Middle Ages, particularly the study of kingship, the episcopate, and the ideals and practice of political criticism.


  • Aktuell /current: Speaking Truth to Power in High Medieval Europe (Alexander von Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellowship)
  • Abgeschlossen / completed: Kingship in twelfth-century English and German saints’ lives and bishops’ biographies (PhD, funded by AHRC South, West and Wales Doctoral Training Partnership)

  • Aufsätze / Articles:

    • ‘The Unjust King and the Neglectful Bishop: Addressing Injustice in twelfth-century England and Germany’ [Book Chapter, submitted to editors] in Addressing Injustice (Crossing Boundaries Series, Turku Medieval & Early Modern Studies, University of Amsterdam Press)
    • ‘Eadmer of Canterbury’s Image of Kingship’ in Eadmer of Canterbury: Life, Works and Interpretations ed. Sally Vaughn, Charles C. Rozier (Brepolis, forthcoming)
    • ‘Advising the King: Kingship, Bishops and Saints in the Works of William of Malmesbury’ in Discovering William of Malmesbury, ed. Rodney M. Thomson, Emily Dolmans & Emily A. Winkler (Woodbridge, 2017), 65-80.
      ‘Hugh of Lincoln and Adam of Eynsham: Angevin kingship reconsidered’, Haskins Society Journal 30 (2020)

  • Rezensionen / Book reviews:

    • 'Grischa Vercamer, Hochmittelalterliche Herrschaftspraxis im Spiegel der Geschichtsschreibung: Vorstellungen von ‘guter’ und ‘schlechter’ Herrschaft in England, Polen und dem Reich im 12./13. Jahrhundert'  German Historical Institute London Bulletin, Vol. XLIV, No. 1 (May 2022), 80–7
    • ‘Sulpicius Severus’ Vita Martini. Edited by Philip Burton’, History 104 (2019), 731-732.
      ‘Ernst Kantorowicz: A Life by Robert E. Lerner’, Medievally Speaking, [accessible online at].
      ‘Edward III and the war at sea: the English navy, 1327–1377, by Graham Cushway’ Intelligence and National Security, 31 (2015), 787-789.


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