Julia Gehrke, M.A.
Research Assistant

Curriculum vitae
2015-2020 Studies of History and Art History at the Univesity of Bonn.
Master thesis: Intellectual Cooperation in the League of Nations and the Foundation of the German Commission for Intellectual Cooperation (awarded with the Hugo Preuß Prize).
2016-2020 Assistant at the Institute of Historical Studies with PD Dr. Henning Türk, Prof. Dr. Dominik Geppert, Prof. Dr. Matthias Becher.
2020 Internship at the Institute of Contemporary History, Munich.
2020-2022 Research assistant at the Chair of Modern and Contemporary History of Prof. Dr. Friedrich Kießling with tutoring for the introductory lecture in Modern History.
Since 2021 PhD in Medieval and Modern History (with Prof. Dr. Friedrich Kießling, funded by the Gerda Henkel Foundation 2022 and 2023), topic: The UNESCO Policy of the Federal Republic of Germany in the 1970s and 1980s.
Since 2023 Research associate at the Chair of Modern and Contemporary History of Prof. Dr. Friedrich Kießling at the University of Bonn.