Lukas Müller, M.A.
Departement of Medieval History
Konviktstraße 11
53113 Bonn
Room: U1.006
Phone: +49 (0) 228 73-6520
Office hours
Wed. 11-12.00 or by registration via e-mail

© Lukas Müller
- born 1989 in Bonn
- 2010-2013 Studies of History and Musicology/Sound Studies at the University of Bonn (degree: Bachelor of Arts)
- 2013-2016 Studies of History with focus on Medieval History at the University of Bonn (degree: Master of Arts)
- 2013-2017 Student assistant at the Departement of Medieval History and the Department Musicology at the University of Bonn
- 2017-2020 Academic assistant at the Departement of Medieval History and at the DFG Collaborative Research Centre 1167 "Macht and Herrschaft - Premodern Configurations in Transcultural Perspective" at the University of Bonn
- Since 2017 Doctoral studies in Medieval and Modern History at the University of Bonn with the dissertation project "Spielleute als Träger von Performanz höfischer und städtischer Eliten im Hoch- und Spätmittelalter" (Minstrels as bearers of performance by courtly and urban elites in the High and Late Middle Ages)
- 2020-2021 Academic staff at the DFG Collaborative Research Centre 1167 "Power and Dominion - Premodern Configurations in Transcultural Perspective" at the University of Bonn
- Since 2020 Academic staff at the Departement of Medieval Historyn at the University of Bonn
Research interests
- Minstrels – musicians, jugglers, poets
- Entertainment culture of the Middle Ages
- Representation and performance of elites
- The so-called Saracens in the early Middle Ages
- Digital Humanities