Nachrichten aus dem IGW
In the early modern period, forced labour went hand in hand with imprisonment and had an inherent punitive logic: the publicly performed labour of prisoners was supposed to have a deterrent effect and act preventively, similar to rituals of corporal punishment. The discursive change in the concept of labour is closely linked with the change in the logic of punishment: it is no longer about punishment, but about educating, improving and re-integrating of the offenders. The planned workshop brings together case studies from different cultural contexts: Austrian Lombardy, Prussia, the Russian Empire, Denmark, the center part of the Habsburg Empire (Vienna), England and France. It will ask about the genealogy of the discourse of labour and the possible transfers and retransfers of the concept of penal labour as a means of correction. How much humanism and how much rationalism underlay this change? You can find the workshop's programme in the link underneath.
Die diesjährige Herbsttagung der Abteilung für Geschichte der Frühen Neuzeit und Rheinische Landesgeschichte findet am 25. und 26. September 2023 in Bonn statt und widmet sich in Kooperation mit der Abteilung für Historische Grundwissenschaften und Archivkunde den ‚Kleinen’ und ‚Großen‘ Welten und damit der “Herrschaft vor Ort im Rheinland der Vormoderne” von der Antike bis ins 18. Jahrhundert. Wie jedes Jahr ist der Verein für geschichtliche Landeskunde der Rheinlande Mitveranstalter der Tagung. Die Herbsttagung 2023 ist Dr. Thomas Becker zum Eintritt in den Ruhestand gewidmet. Zum Tagungsprogramm wählen Sie den beigefügten Link.
Studierende und Mitarbeitende der Universität sind herzlich eingeladen an der offenen Büchervergabe der Alten Geschichte teilzunehmen. Verschenkt wird althistorische Fachliteraturzuverschiedensten Themen.
How has the Second World War been commemorated globally since 1991? How has public perception of and participation in commemorative activity and consumption changed? What strategies have been used to mobilise new technologies and navigate geo-political challenges? What controversies were triggered, narratives adjusted, new formats developed, or new media utilised? These questions, among others, will be discussed at this two day hybrid conference. Remote attendance will be possible. In-person free tickets can be booked for Day 1 or Day 2 of the conference, or for both days. Lunch and refreshments will be provided. An optional guided visit to the Yorkshire Air Museum, 2pm–4pm on Wednesday 19th July, can also be booked via Eventbrite. There will be a £5 charge for this on the day. Online attendees should book an online ticket only.