Prof. Dr. Béla Bodó

- 1988 B.A. Kossuth Lajos University, Debrecen, Ungarn.
- 1990 H.B.A. University of Toronto, Toronto.
- 1992 M.A. York University, Toronto.
- 1998 Ph.D. York University, Toronto.
- 2000-2002 Außerordentliche Professur an der University of Oklahoma.
- 2002-2004 Juniorprofessur an der University of South Florida.
- 2004-2006 Juniorprofessur an der Grand Valley State University.
- 2007-2008 Juniorprofessur an der California State University.
- 2008-2011 Juniorprofessur an der Missouri State University.
- 2011-2015 Ordentlicher Professor an der Missouri State University.
- Seit 2015 Akademischer Oberrat an der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn.
- DAAD Forschungsstipendium für Doktoranden, 1994.
- Fortbildungsstipenidum des Goethe-Instituts, München, 2009.
- Sommerstipendium der Missouri State University 2009, 2013.
- Forschungsstipendium der Missouri State University 2011.
- Stipendium des Imre Kertesz Kolleg, Universität Jena, 2013-14.

Black Humor and the White Terror
Béla Bodó
London 2023

A fehérterror. Antiszemita és politikai erőszak Magyaországon, 1919–1921
Béla Bodó
Budapest 2022

The White Terror: Antisemitic and Political Violence in Hungary, 1919-1921 (Mass Violence in Modern History)
Béla Bodó
London, New York 2021
Red Terror/White Terror: Paramilitary and Mob Violence in Hungary, 1916
Béla Bodó
Klicken Sie hier, um einen Text einzugeben.

Pál Prónay: Paramilitary Violence and Anti-Semitism in Hungary, 1919-1922
Béla Bodó
Pittsburg 2010
Tiszazug: the Social History of a Murder Epidemic
Béla Bodó
New York 2002
The Function of Selection in Nazi Policy towards University Students
Béla Bodó
York (Canada) 1997.
“Oppression,Terror, and ‘Split Legitimization:’ the Troubled Relationship between the Conservative Authoritarian State and Its Right-Wing Critics in Hungary between 1919 and 1945,” in JOHANNES DAFINGER and MORITZ FLORIN, eds., A Transnational History of Right-Wing Terrorism: Bela Bodo, Political Violence and the Far Right in Eastern and Western Europe since 1900 (London: Routledge, 2021).
“A Cul-de-Sac or a Blazing Trail? The Significance and Long-Term Impact of the Numerus Clausus Legislation,” Hungarian Studies Review, Vol. 48 (2021), pp. 91-99.
“Violence Glorified or Denied? Collective Memory of the Red and White Terror in Hungary, 1919-Present.” Hungarian Studies Review, Vol. XLVI-XLVII (2020/21), pp. 44-55.
Bela Bodo, “Faith, Family and Fatherland: Conservatism and Right Radicalism in Interwar Hungary,” in Marco Bresciani ed., Conservatives and Radicals: Europe between First and Second World War (1918-1945) (Routledge, 2020), pp.167-192.
Bela Bodo “International Communities, Democratization and the Fate of Ethnic Minorities in Interwar Hungary,” in Sabrina P. Ramet ed., Interwar Eastern Europe, 1918-1941:The failure of democracy-building, the fate of minorities (Routledge, 2020).
“Memory Practices: The Traces of the Red and White Terrors in Hungary after 1990” in theme Issue “Social Science Thought (Research) and Political Change,” East Central Europe/L' Europe du Centre-Est, 2017.
“Caught between Independence and Irredentism: The ‘Jewish Question’ in the Foreign Policy of the Kállay Government, 1942-944,” Hungarian Studies Review, Vol. XLIII, Nos. 1-2 (Spring-Fall 2016).
“Heroes of Thieves? Nepotism, Clientage and Paramilitary Violence in Hungary, 1919-1921.” Střed/Centre. Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies of Central Europe in the 19th and 20th Centuries, Prague, 1/2015.
“Favorites or Pariahs: The Fate of the Leaders and Rank-and-File of the Paramilitary Groups in Interwar Hungary Austrian History Yearbook, XLVI, 2015.
“The Memory of the White Terror and the Rise of the Radical Right in Hungary, 1990-Present,” accepted for publication Trondheim Studies on East European Cultures & Societies, 2016. Trondheim, Norway.
“Heroes of Thieves? Nepotism, Clientage and Paramilitary Violence in Hungary, 1919-1921.” Střed/Centre. Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies of Central Europe in the 19th and 20th Centuries, Prague, Czech Republic, 1/2015.
“Favorites or Pariahs: The Fate of the Leaders and Rank-and-File of the Paramilitary Groups in Interwar Hungary Austrian History Yearbook, XLVI, 2015.
“The White Terror in Hungary, 1919-1921: The Social World of Paramilitary Groups,” Austrian History Yearbook, Vol. XLII (2011).
“Hungarian Aristocracy and the White Terror,” Journal of Contemporary History, Vol. 45/4 (October, 2010).
“Ivan Hejjas: The Life of a Counterrevolutionary,” East Central Europe/L' Europe du Centre-Est, Vol. 37 (2010).
“The Tószegi Affair: Rumors, ‘the People’s Verdicts’ and Provincial Antisemitism in Hungary, 1919-1921,” Yad Vashem Studies XXXVI/II (Winter 2008).
“Nazi Foreign Policy towards South Eastern Europe, 1933-1945,” in Charles Ingrao and Franz Szabo eds., The Germans and the East, Purdue University Press, 2007, pp. 304-323.
“The Catholic Church and the White Terror in Hungary, 1919-1922,” Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions, 2007, Vol. 8, Nr. 2. “Militia Violence and State Power,” Hungarian Studies Review, (Spring-Fall 2006).
“Father Zadravecz and the Failure of Catholic Fascism in Hungary, 1919-1923,” East European Quarterly (September 2006).
“White Terror, Newspapers and the Evolution of Hungarian Anti-Semitism after WWI,” Yad Vashem Studies, XXXIV (Spring 2006).
“The Rise and Fall of Paramilitary Violence in Hungary, 1919-1922,” East European Quarterly (September 2004).
“Foreign Students in Nazi Germany,” East European Quarterly (March 2003).
“Medical Examination and Biological Selection of University Student in Nazi Germany,” Bulletin of the History of Medicine (Winter 2002).
“Non-Aryan Students in Nazi Germany,” Yad Vashem Studies XXX (2002).
“The Murdering Women of Tiszazug,” Journal of Family History, Volume 27, Number 1/January 2002.
“Progress or Racial Suicide: The Egyke in Hungarian Political Thought, 1840-1945,” Hungarian Studies Review, Number XXVIII (Spring-Fall 2001), Vol.1-2.
Hermann Jaeger: Ozark Grape Hunter – Saving European Vineyards in the Late 19th Century, Discovery Center, Springfield, MO, April 2011. (Mitgestalter der multimedialen Ausstellung).
Strange Rituals. Made by History Channel, and shown nationwide on December 30, 2010. (Ein Dokumentarfilm, basierend auf der Monographie, Tiszazug: The Social History of a Murder Epidemic).
BBC Radio Drama entitled Behind God’s Back, December 2007. (Basiert ebenfalls auf der Monographie, Tiszazug: The Social History of a Murder Epidemic).