21. Juni 2023

Online seminar: "Archives on Ukrainian History in Times of War: Ukrainian, Canadian and German Perspectives" Online seminar: "Archives on Ukrainian History in Times of War: Ukrainian, Canadian and German Perspectives"

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After a break the DUHK is going to host another seminar on 29 June, 19.00 - 20.30 CET! The topic this time will be on (Ukrainian) Archives.

Archives are crucial for historical work and they are key institutions of national, regional, and local memory. Therefore, in Russia's current war against Ukraine, they are institutions for the preservation of new sources worthy of conservation, as well as targets and objects of enemy destruction. The webinar addresses three topics: first, it presents an overview of important archival holdings of key Ukrainian history topics in Ukraine, Canada, and Germany; second, it addresses the question of international cooperation in times of war; and third, it discusses the question how best to deal with the new sources and documents created in the ongoing war.

The speakers will be:

  • Myron Momryk, Historian and former Project Archivist at the Library and Archives Canada (Ottawa)
  • Andriy Kohut, Director of the Security Service of Ukraine Sectoral State Archive (Kyiv, Ukraine)
  • Angela Abmeier, German Federal Archives (Koblenz, Germany)

The panel will be chaired by Guido Hausmann, University of Regensburg (Germany), Martin Aust, University of Bonn (Germany) and Natalia Khanenko-Friesen, University of Alberta (Edmonton, Canada). After introductory remarks by the panellists the audience will have the possibility to ask questions and to participate in the discussion. The Seminar will be held in Ukrainian and English with simultaneous translation.

To participate, please register here. A recording of the seminar will be published on the Youtube channel of the German-Ukrainian Historical Commission.

This webinar was organised in cooperation with the German Association of East European Historians/Verband der Osteuropahistorikerinnen und -historiker (VOH) with sponsorship by the German Academic Exchange service (DAAD) with funds of the German Foreign Ministry and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation Kyiv.

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